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 COVID-19 Touchless Transactions 

To use this feature, you can order as you usually would. Add the words “Touchless Transactions” to the order and the following things will occur:

  • The Noble can drop off the order Curb side or Front door if no other instructions are provided. 

  • If additional instruction is required, the noble will proceed in accordance to the CDC (

    • Wash hands often

    • Cough into elbows

    • Don’t touch your face

    • Stay more than 6ft apart

    • If you are feeling sick stay home

    • Wear face mask and Gloves while on the job (PPE)

  • This will also include: No handshakes, touching, fluid exchange for any reason. 

  • Recommendation: Waving, Elbow, or electronic communication of thanks. 



This feature is free and just something we would like to do in order to keep our Nobles and customer safe. As we are all experiencing this crisis together, we would like to help in any way we can. This feature is available immediately on the app. 

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